Who ordered a heavy-hitting shoulder workout? Because, here it is! This Strength Mob circuit targets your shoulders with a series of three compound movements to light them up. Start off with a warm-up of butt kicks and inchworms. Do as many inchworms as you need to until you feel your arms are prepped enough for …
Author : Ben Musholt
Backyard Burner
Yo Strength Mob! Here is a circuit training workout that you can perform in your backyard with minimal equipment. As long as the weather is cooperating, get yourself outside for some fresh air! Get yourself ready for action with 100 jumping jacks and 50 tip toe squats. Feel free to bust out the jumping jacks …
Playground Workout
After months of being stuck inside due to Covid-19, pump your fist if you yearn to be outside every chance you get! You probably already do computer work from a lawn chair in the backyard. Maybe you sip refreshing beverages from your front porch. And, hopefully, you are working out in the fresh air! If …
Holidaze Scorcher
What’s up Strength Mob! Here is a classic bodybuilding-type of workout to bust out in your garage gym. What tools will you need? Pull out that barbell and your dumbbells, it’s time to go gym-rat style. The warm-up is a few minutes of commando jacks and squat kicks. Try to accumulate 100 of the jumping …
Solstice Session
Hey ya, Strength Mob! Here is a little garage gym burner just in time for the start of summer. This workout has a super classic push-pull-leg circuit of back squats, pull-ups, and parallette push-ups. The extra push-up depth obtained with the parallettes is killer for a good chest pump. You’re going to dig it. The …
Streets Alive. Time to Jam.
Yo, Strength Mob! I’m not sure about your city, but here in Portland the streets and parks are alive with neighbors exercising outdoors again. The momentum to return to normal life pulses greater every day. The gradual recovery plus the end of Spring is getting me PSYCHED. Summer adventures are just around the corner! It’s …
What’s up Strength Mobbers?! This workout is a little different than the other circuits I posted, since it was originally designed to be used in by the WIRED magazine. It didn’t make it into the article, but it’s a good workout nonetheless. The idea was to come up with a simple session that people could …
Still Going Strong – At Home
With the Covid-19 crisis turning into a multi-month affair, it’s practically inevitable to start backsliding on your regular exercise routine. Being stuck at home is downright depressing! Yet, staying physically active is even more important right now for a variety of reasons. Staving off depression is one reason. But as it turns out, regular exercise …
Strength Mob – Quarantine Edition
No more running through the streets with your buddies. No more getting together for a garage gym workout. No more trips to the climbing gym or skate park. Raise your hand if this is NOT how you anticipated Spring 2020 to be rolling out. Covid-19 has taken a steam roller to life as usual. As …
Garage Workout – Winter Edition
It’s that time again! Time to start heating up the garage for these cold winter nights. Out here in Portland, low 40s and a bit of rain are no reason to stay away from getting your weekly garage workout action. Here is a recent burner from the man cave: Start your session with a …