Strength Mob Workouts

A Lighter “Leg Day”

Every day is leg day. You’ve heard that one, right? Well, sometimes you might not want to go too hard on leg day. Maybe your back has been on the mend for a few weeks. Maybe your legs are wrecked from a beast trail run over the weekend. Maybe, you know, you simply aren’t feeling it.

I hear you. It’s important to be adaptable.

The agile athlete needs to know when to hold back on certain activities and when to turn up the throttle on others.

Here is a garage workout for those days when you want to go lighter on your legs, but not totally give them the day off.

Use a loaded barbell for bent-over rows and shoulder presses. Between each set, do 10+ Cossack squats. Add weight to them if you want, or stick with bodyweight. Your choice.

The Cossack squat is killer movement to work on uneven loading, lateral hip strength, and groin flexibility. Play around with having your toes pointing up to the ceiling (with your heel on the floor) versus foot-flat “kung-fu style.”

A lighter leg day workout


How I did it:

  • Barbell loaded to 105 lbs for both the bent-over rows and shoulder presses. 
  • 25 lb kettlebell for the Cossack squats. 

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