A scream stirs you awake. It’s the middle of the night and you open your window to find the neighboring apartment building ablaze. People are in trouble. They need you. Kids need to be carried down the fire escape. A grandmother needs help exiting the building. What do you do? Rush to the rescue, of …
Tag :book review
Book Review: Parkour and the Art du Deplacement
I was heavy into karate as a kid. Learning subtle dodges, effective blocks, punches, and spinning kicks — that stuff had me giddy. I loved mastering my body and seeing how I could test myself against opponents in the sparring ring. It brought me into myself and taught me the connection between my body and …
Book Review: The Parkour and Freerunning Handbook
Good parkour training will go some way to helping you reach your true potential and you will come to realize that your limits are far beyond what you could ever imagine. – Dan Edwardes For my second parkour-specific book review, I take a peek at Dan Edwarde’s “The Parkour and Freerunning Handbook.” If you’re unfamiliar with …
Review: The Ultimate Parkour and Freerunning Book
Books about parkour are few and far between. There simply aren’t that many coaches out there who have transitioned from hands-on teaching to written instruction. The ability to convey complex movement with words and photographs often feels like a near impossibility. Yet, it can be done. Many months ago, I received a copy of the …
Book Review: Overcoming Gravity
After hearing the hype, I finally saddled up and paid the $49.95 to buy Steven Low’s epic training manual Overcoming Gravity – A Systemic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength. That was about 8 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve hustled my way through the massive 530 page paperback and have started to punish myself with …