What’s up Strength Mob! Here’s a new garage gym workout to bust through at your convenience. Warm-up: 100 Split Jacks 30 Cossack Squats Circuit: 4x Through Deadlift Half-kneeling Landmine Press KB Bicep Curls Cool-down: Staggered Push-ups Roll-ups A couple notes about modifications: If you don’t have multiple barbells to use for both the landmine press …
Tag :deadlift
Bringing the heat!
I don’t know about where you are, but Portland is mad hot right now. Given the summer heat you might want to do this workout early in the morning or later in the day once the temperature drops. Have fun and be sure to stay hydrated! Adjustments: This workout shouldn’t require much scaling, as you can …
Session 003
Adjustments: As an alternative to Cossack squats, try low side-to-side squats – they don’t require the same depth or flexibility. Any type of single arm bent over row will work for the circuit – you can do it with a kettlebell vs dumbbell, or support yourself with one hand on a bench. If the L-hang feels …