Hey Strength Mob!
Here is session #26 in our at-home workout series. This was a workout that I performed in our garage gym with a limited set of equipment. See the “How I Did It” section below the handout to learn what types of weights I used for each motion.
Warm-up (at least 5 minutes):
- 100 Jump Rope jumps
- 50 High Knees
- Add whatever additional motions you need to get prepared for the rest of the session.
Circuit Training (5 rounds):
- Barbell Push Presses
- Kettlebell (or dumbbell) reverse lunges
- DB Single Arm Reverse Fly
Cool-down (3 times):
- 16 Uneven Push-ups
- 20 Flutter Kicks
- 125 lb Push Presses
- 50 lb Reverse Lunges
- 30 lb Reverse Flies