Health & Fitness

A story on being fit for others

A number of years ago, before we left the Pacific Northwest, I got a text that a buddy’s friend had gone missing in the Cascades and they were looking for volunteers to search for him. The missing person was a loose acquaintance, and the concern was that he was in a bad place mentally and …

Strength Mob Workouts

Lil summer something

What’s up Strength Mob! Here’s a new garage gym workout to bust through at your convenience. Warm-up: 100 Split Jacks 30 Cossack Squats Circuit: 4x Through Deadlift Half-kneeling Landmine Press KB Bicep Curls Cool-down: Staggered Push-ups Roll-ups A couple notes about modifications: If you don’t have multiple barbells to use for both the landmine press …

Strength Mob Workouts

WOFH: Working Out From Home

Hey Strength Mob! Here is session #26 in our at-home workout series. This was a workout that I performed in our garage gym with a limited set of equipment. See the “How I Did It” section below the handout to learn what types of weights I used for each motion. Warm-up (at least 5 minutes): …

Public Health

Movement is my Mistress

Our relationship began when I was nine months old, rolling my infant walker down the sloped floor of my parents’ apartment. By five years old, my alluring partner in motion had me climbing doorframes and hallways. Years six through twelve we made the pact to master the martial arts. As a high schooler, she helped …

Strength Mob Workouts

Indoor Workout Season Is Here

Hey Strength Mob! I’m not sure what your part of the country is like right now, but here in Portland it is RAINY. Definitely not weather that you want to be training in your backyard under. As such, here is solid at-home workout that you can perform indoors, without needing a barbell or other garage …

Strength Mob Workouts

A Pre Bike Trip Workout

What’s up Strength Mob! Here is a workout that I put together prior to a 3-day bikepacking trip in August. I knew that the route we were doing was going to punish my legs—there was over 10,000 feet of climbing! That’s why this workout lacks any super heavy leg action. I didn’t want to wear …

Strength Mob Workouts

Hop to it. It’s Strength Mob time!

Hey Strength Mobbers! This workout is a quick 3 exercise circuit of thrusters, split jumps, and concentration curls. You should be able to bust this out in well under 30 minutes. Before the circuit, warm-up with 5+ minutes of light rhythmic activity like ankle hops and plank knee tucks. See the exercise handout for illustrations …

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