Hey Strength Mob! I’m not sure what your part of the country is like right now, but here in Portland it is RAINY. Definitely not weather that you want to be training in your backyard under. As such, here is solid at-home workout that you can perform indoors, without needing a barbell or other garage gym equipment.
If you don’t have a medicine ball for the squat cleans, you can easily substitute a dumbbell or kettlebell for the motion. Start the pull from the ground by holding the top of the weight, and catch it from the bottom, before squatting and rising to stand. Likewise, you can easily swap a dumbbell for the kettlebell with the bent presses. Use any type of handheld resistance for the reverse lunge & chops.
In terms of scaling the spiderman pull-ups during the “cool down”, make them easier by performing regular, symmetric pull-ups. The added lateral motion takes more single arm strength, and isn’t a beginner movement. For those of you struggling with obtaining your first regular pull-up, keep training jumping pull-ups with slow descents, and assisted pull-ups with bands.
- 30 lb med ball squat cleans
- 50 lb kettlebell bent presses
- 25 lb reverse lunge & chop